– Novogenia Pioneers Personalised Healthcare Through Genetic Analysis

a man in a white coat – Date: 15.05.2024
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Novogenia is driving a transformation in Germany’s healthcare sector by replacing traditional treatments with personalised health strategies based on advanced genetic analysis. Led by Dr. Daniel Wallerstorfer, the company focuses on creating tailored patient care plans that consider each individual’s unique genetic profile. This approach, which includes insights from nutrigenetics and pharmacogenetics, promises to redefine healthcare by offering customised solutions for nutrition, medication, and lifestyle adjustments.

 With 15 years of experience, Novogenia tests millions of genetic variations to create detailed reports that guide health professionals across various sectors, including nutritionists, physiotherapists, and alternative health practitioners. The company’s cutting-edge genetic testing not only enhances the precision of treatment plans but also supports a shift towards a more personalised and effective healthcare system in Germany, heralding a future where genetic analysis plays a central role in maintaining and improving health standards. – Novogenia mit neuster Laboranalyse: Ernährungs- und Gesundheitsfehler durch Gene aufdecken
Screenshot: 15.05.2024 12:06 Uhr
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