
Live well, move well
a group of brochures with images of women
Unlocking the potential for a healthy life and peak physical performance depends on so much more than how many steps we walk in a day, the frequency of our visits to the gym, or the latest diet trend. It’s more personal, and more holistic, than that. The approach we take to optimising our health, performance and wellbeing should be as complete, and unique, as our individual genetic code.

Personalised insights for a life of wellbeing with next generation genetic analysis

Introducing PerformancePlus. The personalised, in-depth report to explain the role our genes play in our health, performance and wellbeing, based on next generation genetic analysis. No more one-size-fits-all. Just the right fit. 


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Weight Management

Discover ideal macronutrient distribution, effective weight loss strategies, and personalized recipes tailored to genes. Say goodbye to the yo-yo effect and embrace a sustainable, genetically optimized approach  

  • Nutritional type
  • Sensitivity to fat, carbs and protein.
  • Exercise or calorie reduction?
  • Muscle mass maintenance
  • Fat distribution
  • Yo-yo effect
a screenshot of a chart

Healthy Nutrition

Decode the impact of nutritionally relevant genes with the Nutrition Sensor. Over 50 genetic variations are analyzed to provide insights into metabolic problems. Achieve optimal health through personalized dietary recommendations

  • The effect of Omega 3 on HDL-Cholesterol
  • The effect of folic acid
  • Heart protection from homocysteine
  • Salt and your blood pressure
  • The effect of Vitamin D3
  • How LCT genes affect calcium and iron intake
  • Inflammation and the immune system
  • Regulation of LDL Cholesterol
  • Regulation of triglycerides
a screenshot of a cell phone


Explore how the body neutralizes harmful substances. Enhance well-being by optimizing detoxification processes and achieving optimal nutrition

  • The effect of coffee and caffeine
  • The efficacy of Coenzyme Q10, the anti-ageing molecule
  • The detoxification of carcinogens
  • Detoxification of chemicals
  • Ageing protection against oxidative stress
  • Sufficient selenium supply
  • The influence of alcohol and drugs
a screenshot of a cell phone

Ageing Process

Understand the secrets of telomere preservation and the impact of your genes on the aging process. Embrace lifestyle choices that can positively influence your biological age.

  • Telomere preservation: how genes influence the continuous shortening of the chromosome ends, known as telomeres, and biological age.
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Stress and Burnout

Assess performance in stressful situations, build resilience to negative emotions, and understand predisposition toward impulsivity. Take charge of mental well-being with insights from our genetic analysis

  • Resistance to stress and negative feelings: how genes influence how well people can handle stress, resistance to negative feelings, resilience towards negative emotions, performance under stress and predisposition to impulsivity.
a list of exercise equipment

Athletic Performance

A comprehensive genetic analysis of over 20 variations associated with individual performance helps tailor your training and nutrition plans.

  • Oxygen uptake (VO2max)
  • Oxidative stress
  • Inflammatory response and injury
  • Recovery phase
  • Optimal calorie balance
  • Based on this analysis, we create logical conclusions and a personalised performance programme schedule, and recommended competition diet to improve performance.*

Personalised nutrition plan

Based on scientific analysis, we generate action plans and personalised recommendations that take individual biological data into account*.

1400+ food types

A detailed list evaluating over 1400 food types, tailored to each individual genetic profile, to help your clients make informed choices for effective weight loss and healthy nutrition.

Personalised nutrition plan with recipe book

A recipe book tailored to each individual genetic profile, with 100 recipes and 40 daily menus to support optimal success.

30 snacks

A list of snacks that are always allowed for guilt-free indulgence.

70 sports activities

A customised plan with precise calculations for training sessions, aligning with weight loss and maintenance objectives.

Unlock Exclusive Prices

Novogenia’s next generation genetic analysis can help health, wellness professionals and sports coaches and trainers expand their expertise, personalise their treatment plans, and grow their practices. Partner with Novogenia as a PerformancePlus reseller for exclusive volume discounts.

How it works:

a purple outline of a box and a bottle

Receive the collection kit

a purple line art of a test tube with a drop of liquid

Follow the instructions to take your sample

a purple envelope on a black background

The sample is returned to the laboratory for testing

a purple line on a black background

Receive results by post and/or by email

Ready to start?

Partnering with Novogenia means choosing a dynamic collaboration that prioritizes cutting-edge technology, scientific excellence, and a commitment to improving lives through personalized and innovative solutions.

Important Information
We do not sell our products directly to end customers, but we would be pleased to hear from you so that we can recommend a suitable partner in your area.

*Please note:

Science:  Today, there are already about 4 million scientific publications that have studied the effects of certain gene defects on the human body. A typical finding from this sounds something like this: “If you have gene defect X, vitamin Y cannot be converted and remains ineffective.” Only when the effects of a gene defect have been independently demonstrated by at least three different studies is the gene test included in the program. Therefore, the influence of a gene defect is always backed by several scientific studies, and you can find the sources for this in the back part of each chapter. The genetic traits given by this analysis are thus considered to be based on scientific studies.

Recommendation: Recommendations based on your genetic profile. The recommendations derived from your genetic traits are often not determined by studies, but are often logical conclusions. An example: If a certain vitamin doesn’t work due to a gene variation, the conclusion is to switch to another vitamin with a similar effect. We achieve this for example by changing your diet or supplementation. So, it is important to understand that the recommendations developed by our experts are not based on randomized, placebo-controlled studies, but were created as logical conclusions based on your genetic traits. 

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