Legal provisions for the performance of genetic analyses In Germany, Austria and Switzerland, the performance of genetic analyses is regulated by law to protect the patient. The German Gene Diagnostics
Notes on the risk analysis of diseases in children Each of us is already born with a genetic risk of disease that will accompany him/her throughout life. For this purpose,
From several different inheritance studies, it appeared that the genetic component of overweight or fat mass appears to be between 20% and 90%. However, it should be noted that while
In Germany, Austria and Switzerland there are strict legal regulations that prescribe the procedure of a genetic test. Thus, a detailed explanation of the nature, scope and significance of the
Basically: Medical genetic analyses may only be requested by physicians, so that sufficient consultation and medical care can be provided. For this reason, the analysis process always begins with your
All Novogenia products can be purchased exclusively in cooperation with your doctor. As a result, you benefit from competent support from an expert who knows you and your medical history.
We do not sell our products directly to end customers, but we would be pleased to hear from you so that we can recommend a suitable partner in your are.
That genes affect body weight, the effectiveness of certain weight loss strategies, and the ability to deal with certain nutrients is supported by multiple scientific studies for each gene. Therefore, the genetic traits determined by this analysis are considered scientifically confirmed.
The adaptations of micronutrient dosing or dietary recommendations derived from these scientific findings require the so-called gold standard for clear scientific proof – these are randomised, placebo-controlled studies. These already exist for folic acid and vitamin B2 but have not yet been published for all genetic effects in this programme. For this reason, the genetic adaptation of micronutrient dosing and food evaluation should be considered logical conclusions and not scientifically proven. Your optional supplements are thus scientifically tailored to your lifestyle, your blood values, and additionally experimentally to your genes – depending on your choice
of analyses.
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